Tag: books

  • Changed Release Dates

    Changed Release Dates

    I had originally planned on releasing The Shackles of a Mountain Lord on October 1, but I’m pushing it back to October 31 so that I have a bit more time for edits. I left myself about a month to work on my final draft, and I’ve been making good…

  • Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere Reading Order

    Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere Reading Order

    If you don’t already know, I am a huge Sanderson fan. Strangely, though, I haven’t managed to finish all of the Cosmere books that are out. I’ve put a good dent in the list, for sure, but not all of them. I’m starting to run into a problem, though: the…

  • Yumi and the Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sanderson

    Yumi and the Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sanderson

    Yumi and the Nightmare Painter is one of the Secret Novels written by Brandon Sanderson during the pandemic. Sanderson wrote this book for his wife Emily and it shows. Emily has apparently been wanting him to write something with more romance in it for some time, so he decided to…

  • Legendary Love: 5 Epic Fantasy Romances

    Legendary Love: 5 Epic Fantasy Romances

    Happy Valentine’s Day! Romance can be discovered in many an epic fantasy novel, from Middle-earth to the Shattered Plains of Roshar. In this article, I’ll be going over a few romantic couples in well-known epic fantasy stories. These aren’t romantasy or romantic fantasy couples; they are couples whose love stories…

  • Book Review: A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula LeGuin

    Book Review: A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula LeGuin

    A Wizard of Earthsea, written by Ursula LeGuin, is a classic children’s fantasy novel published in 1968. I may be 56 years late to the party, but I finally read it! This is the first book review for the books that I am reading as part of my 52 Book…

  • 150k Wordcount Milestone!

    150k Wordcount Milestone!

    Today I reached a milestone with my latest book! 150,000 words! I can actually believe that Muspell’s Sons is going to have a sequel! Granted, they are 150,000 unedited words, and not all of the story is written down yet. I consider it a rough or first draft until I…

  • Dragon Books

    Dragon Books

    Dragons! Since humans first discovered dinosaur bones and decided they must have belonged to some long-extinct giant (sometimes flying) reptile, we’ve been fascinated by dragons. These enormous beasts have featured prominently in legends, myths, and folklore. Today, you can hardly call yourself a fantasy author if you haven’t written a…

  • FREE DOWNLOAD: “Books I’ve Read” Bookmark

    I love having a physical way to keep track of my goals, so I decided to create a bookmark that has space for me to write down the titles of the books that I’ve finished reading this year as part of my 52 Books Challenge. And since it was already…

  • 52 Book Challenge 2024

    52 Book Challenge 2024

    Years ago, I undertook a challenge to read one book a week for an entire year. I managed to do it! I loved the challenge and all the books that I’d read, and I’ve been wanting to do something similar for years. This is the year! I decided that since…

  • Gifts for Writers

    Gifts for Writers

    Hey everybody! Tis the season for wracking our brains for ideas on what to get each other for Christmas. I thought I’d put together a short list of gifts for writers that I’d personally appreciate, and it ended up…well, a little longer than I expected. There is a lot of…