• My Writing Companions

    Now that all my kids are in school, I have all the time in the world to write! Right? Well, ok, maybe not quite. But the house is blessedly quiet for a few hours a day now. I’m not alone, though. Like a witch with her animal familiars, I have a few critters that keep…

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  • Sci-Fi Serialized Fiction on Patreon!

    After spending way too long trying to figure out what I want to do with my Patreon page, I’ve decided to use it to make my new episodic sci-fi story available to you. This new story is about a bounty hunter named Torin Keth and his android sidekick, Jasper. The first chapter of their first…

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  • Writing When Times Are Tough

    When I first started writing in earnest, I read that Stephen King and Brandon Sanderson and other write daily, rain or shine, in sickness and in health. I heard that if you want to be a better writer, you need to make it a habit and write every day. The more I write, though, the…

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