Category: Writing

  • Changed Release Dates

    Changed Release Dates

    I had originally planned on releasing The Shackles of a Mountain Lord on October 1, but I’m pushing it back to October 31 so that I have a bit more time for edits. I left myself about a month to work on my final draft, and I’ve been making good…

  • Update March 21, 2024

    What do you get when you cross a writer and a deadline? A very clean house, or in my case, a revamped website.

  • Fantasy Writing Prompts

    Fantasy Writing Prompts

    Writing is a skill like any other. It requires a lot of practice. In the same way that someone who plays basketball has to go out to the basketball court to shoot hoops and do drills, fantasy writers practice by using writing prompts. I also find it’s nice to take…

  • March 2024 Update

    March 2024 Update

    Muspell’s Sons Sequel Progress I am on track to have the book ready for beta readers on April 1. I’m super excited to see what people think of it. This book has been difficult to write but I’ve also learned a lot about myself and the writing process. If you…

  • When No One Wants to Read Your Book

    When No One Wants to Read Your Book

    Have you ever typed “No one wants to read my book” into Google while you’re in a writing slump? You’ve spent months or years perfecting your book, and then absolutely nobody on this planet seems to care. You can’t get your own mother to read your book. You honestly believe…

  • Word Sprint Timers

    Word Sprint Timers

    Here are a couple of word sprint timers that I put up on YouTube. I intend to add others eventually, but I’d like to record the background video myself, which might take a while for me to get around to. I intentionally didn’t add music to the timers because I…

  • How to Become a Fantasy Author

    How to Become a Fantasy Author

    When I was ten years old, I decided I wanted to become a fantasy author. I had no idea how to go about it, but I knew that authors write stories. So I started typing away on my dad’s Macintosh computer, writing a story about two friends, one of whom…

  • Update on Writing

    I’m at 82,938 words for my rough draft for the sequel to Muspell’s Sons! This book has been difficult for me to write, but I’m finally in a better place mentally and able to push forward. I’ve been in a pretty bad slump for the past six months due to…

  • Impostor Syndrome

    This month, I had every intention of writing a large portion of my next book as part of NaNoWriMo 2022. Any ideas how many words I’ve managed to write? 12,504. Not exactly my most stellar word count. So why have I struggled to write this book when I was able…

  • Thursday Update: Day 3 NaNoWriMo 2022

    Welcome to my first update for NaNoWriMo 2022! I’ll be posting an update on my word count as November moves along. I won’t be posting daily, but I’ll try to post at least once a week. Without further ado, here are my daily word counts for each day thus far:…