Sci-Fi Serialized Fiction on Patreon!

After spending way too long trying to figure out what I want to do with my Patreon page, I’ve decided to use it to make my new episodic sci-fi story available to you.

This new story is about a bounty hunter named Torin Keth and his android sidekick, Jasper. The first chapter of their first adventure is up on Patreon now!

Click Here to Read the First Chapter!


Torin Keth sat in the cockpit of his ship, the Reaper’s Hymn, staring out over the swirling brown, orange, and white streaks wrapping around the planet below when the call came over the radio.

He toggled a switch to check the origin point of the signal: two star systems over, from a relay station. The display blinked a few times, then continued the trace. The signal had bounced through four other stations, but the high-end tracking protocol couldn’t trace it back to the original source.

Keth smiled to himself. In her attempt to disguise her location, the sender had inadvertently told him exactly who she was. He tapped a button to accept the call.

“Lera,” Keth said, settling back into his pilot’s chair. “I thought you’d forgotten me.”

“Let’s not play this game, Torin Keth.” The voice over the radio was garbled from the distance, but Keth could still make out the clipped voice of Lera Burns, the bail bondsman for Sector 12, Burns was a stern woman, with high cheekbones and no sense of humor.

“As you wish. What can I do for you?”

“I have a job for you,” Burns said.

Finally. Keth had been drifting for two weeks out here in high orbit around this gas giant in an attempt to save precious fuel. He was running low on food and water, though.

Click Here to Read the First Chapter!

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