publishing updates

Update May 8, 2024

Lots of news today! Read on to learn more about the progress of the beta read for The Shackles of a Mountain Lord, more details on the 1st Annual Rocksaber Run for Literacy, news on a Patreon page I’ve just set up, and details about a new stats page on my website.

Progress on The Shackles of a Mountain Lord

The beta read is steaming along nicely. If you’d like to get in on that, you can sign up here. The beta will close on May 31st so that I can get to work editing the book.

1st Annual Rocksaber Run for Literacy

The virtual run is less than two months away on June 29th!

I’m super excited to be partnering with the World Literacy Foundation on this project. The funds that we raise will go towards buying books for disadvantaged students. You can read more about the Run for Literacy here.

Make sure you register by May 31st if you are going to order a t-shirt or medal so that I can get the correct number ordered.

Patreon Page

I’ve been wanting to set up some way for me to post my short stories for people to read in a way that makes it harder for them to be stolen. I finally decided to use Patreon for this. If you sign up for the Silver or Gold tiers, you’ll get access to at least 10,000 words’ worth of brand new short fiction every month from me.

To sign up for my Patreon page, click here.

New Stats Page!

I’ve put together a new stats page where you can watch my progress for my various projects. Being able to see my own progress actually helps me stay motivated and on track, and this way, you can see how I’m doing too.

YouTube Channel

Some time ago, I made a short video giving updates to what I was working on at the time. I promised that more videos would follow. And then…they didn’t.

I have something to admit: After making that video and trying to figure out what else to film, I learned that I hate making videos of myself to upload to the internet. To me, it feels like stripping down naked in the middle of a crowded mall and singing the national anthem. I would MUCH rather write a million words than make a 5 minute video for YouTube.

However, YouTube seems to be one of the better ways to get the word out about my books. I also would like to conquer my fears instead of being governed by them. To that end, I will be attempting to upload at least one video to YouTube per week. They might suck, but I ask you to have patience with me. If they’re too cringy for you, I’ll still be updating my blog as usual.

If you’d like to see me on YouTube, though, you can find me at my channel here.

If there’s anything you’d like me to discuss on my channel, let me know in the comments.