Muspell’s Sons Now Available on Kindle!

Muspell's Sons steampunk fantasy sci-fi book on sale now!

Muspell’s Sons, the first book in a series about a pharmakon named Cadmus Brand, is now available on Kindle and Kindle unlimited!

Click to Buy eBook on Amazon:

Click to Buy from my store (available in eBook, paperback, and hardcover): Muspell’s Sons

A thousand years ago, demonic kashmari and magical dvergen battled across the Nine Realms of Yggdrasil. Their struggle destroyed civilizations, razed worlds, and tore ecosystems asunder. One courageous dvergen sacrificed himself and his ship’s crew to lock away the demons in the hellish realm of Muspelheim forever.

Now, a man named Cadmus Brand lives in Muspelheim, a desert realm that has been purged of almost all magic. Only the powerful kashmari lords who dominate the city-states now wield their own twisted blood magic. Brand is a famous and wealthy man in his own right: a gladiator who has won every fight he’s ever been in. He dines with kashmari lords and dances with kashmari ladies. The more fights he wins, the more prestige he gains. So long as he keeps winning, life is fantastic for Brand.

But Brand has a deadly secret: He’s a pharmakon, the last of an ancient group of human magic-wielders who use powerful elixirs to enhance their bodies. In the past, pharmakons were the only ones who could challenge the magical kashmari, and as a result, the kashmari lords have decreed that all pharmakons are to be put to death.

Can Brand successfully navigate the glamorous world of manipulative kashmari? Can he stand idly by while evil thrives around him?

Brand’s journey to find his place in the world will take him across a desert littered with ancient and new technologies, magical artifacts, and innumerable secrets buried in the shifting sands.

Perfect for fans of epic fantasy, science fiction, and steampunk fantasy!

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