Thursday Update: Day 3 NaNoWriMo 2022

Welcome to my first update for NaNoWriMo 2022! I’ll be posting an update on my word count as November moves along. I won’t be posting daily, but I’ll try to post at least once a week. Without further ado, here are my daily word counts for each day thus far:

NaNoWriMo 2022

Day 1: 1,826 words

Day 2: 2,299 words

Day 3: 1,976 words

Total Word Count: 6,101

As a reminder, the daily goal is 1,667. The month-long goal is 50,000.

I’m at the beginning of the marathon, so I’m super excited and writing is a breeze. Whenever I’m not writing, I’m itching to get back to my computer. However, we’ll see how the next week goes as the excitement wears off and I delve deeper into my outline—particularly the parts of my outline that are pretty holey and vague. But for now, I’m riding the writing endorphin high and having a great time.

As an aside, Brandon Sanderson is posting his NaNoWriMo wordcounts on reddit here and has invited anyone who’s interested to do the same. He did this last year and I found it to be incredibly helpful to keep up my motivation. You can post your word counts several times a week and see how he’s doing with his writing goal. I’ll be posting on there as u/pharmakonprime.

The editing for Muspell’s Sons has slowed to a crawl, but it is still going. I have ten more chapters to revise, and then I have to put the edits into Scrivener. My goal is to get that done by the end of November so that I can spend December prepping it for publication.

Thanks for checking in and good luck in your own writing!